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(21185-P) |

Annual Report


While the Board retains full responsibility for guiding and monitoring the Company in discharging

its responsibilities, it delegates the performance of certain of its functions to the Board Committees,

which provide the Board with recommendations and advice. These Board Committees operate within

clearly defined terms of reference and have the authority to examine particular issues and report their

proceedings and deliberations to the Board. The Board is committed to ensure that the Management,

being vested with delegated authorities and powers by the Board, serves and acts in the best interests

of the shareholders.

The roles and responsibilities of the Board are formalized in a Board Charter which is available in the

Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at


1.3 Code of Conduct

The Board is guided by company laws and the Code of Ethics for Company Directors issued by the

Companies Commission of Malaysia in discharging its responsibilities.

The Code of Ethics provides guidance for proper standards of conduct and sound and prudent business

practices as well as standard of ethical behaviour for Directors, based on principles of integrity,

responsibility, sincerity and corporate social responsibility.

A Whistle Blowing Policy is also in place, which seeks to foster an environment of integrity and ethical

behavior. It provides the appropriate communication and feedback channels for the exposure of any

violations or improper conduct or wrongdoing within the Company.

The Board Charter and Whistle Blowing Policy are available in the Company’s website at




1.4 Sustainability of Business

The Board believes business sustainability and corporate responsibility are integral to generate and

sustain short and long term value for its stakeholders. The Board is cognizant of the importance of

business sustainability and, in conducting the Group’s business, the impact on the environment, social

and governance is taken into consideration.

The sustainability practices and corporate responsibility programmes of the Group are disclosed in the

Sustainability Report in this Annual Report.

1.5 Access to Information and Advice

Prior to the date of each Board meeting, all Directors are provided with a full set of board papers

for each agenda item which include the comprehensive reviews and analysis of major operational,

financial, technical, legal and regulatory issues, reports of meetings of all committees of the Board

including matters requiring the full Board’s deliberation and approval, performance reports of the

Group’s business developments and updates and on other matters of discussion and/or approval.

The board papers are issued in sufficient time to enable the Directors to appreciate the issues to be

deliberated and where necessary, be briefed before the meeting.

The Board also receives monthly summary report on the performance of the Group with key financial

highlights to ensure that the Directors are updated on the performance of the various business units.

The Directors have independent access to the advice and services of the Company Secretaries, who are

responsible for ensuring that the Board meeting procedures are followed and the applicable rules and

regulations are complied with. The Board is, from time to time, updated on the relevant amendments

to the Bursa Malaysia’ Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) as well as changes in the law,

governance and other regulatory requirements.


