sustainability & governance
Annual Report 2017
The following activities were carried out by the Remuneration Committee during the financial year ended 31 March 2017:
• Assessed and evaluated the performance of the Managing Director; and
• Made recommendations to the Board in relation to the fixed remuneration and annual incentive for the Managing
The Remuneration Committee was dissolved with effect from 24 May 2017 following the establishment of the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee.
2.4 Nomination & Remuneration Committee (“NRC”)
The Nomination & Remuneration Committee was recently formed on 24 May 2017 and the members of the Committee as
at the date of this Annual Report are:
Datuk Alias bin Ali (Chairman)
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
Rezal Zain bin Abdul Rashid
(Senior Independent Non-Executive Director)
Dato’ Adnan bin Shamsuddin
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
The NRC’s primary responsibility is to structure and review and to make recommendations to the Board on all matters
pertaining to remuneration, recruitment and performance evaluation of the Managing Director, subsidiary company directors
and senior management.
The NRC’s Terms of Reference is available in the Company’s website.
2.5 Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) has been established as a sub-committee of the Audit Committee to support
the Audit Committee in providing oversight direction and counsel to the Group’s risk management process. The RMC
is headed by the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and supported by a Risk Management Unit, comprising of
senior management and headed by the Managing Director. The RMC is not authorized to implement its recommendations
on behalf of the Audit Committee but shall make the relevant recommendations to the Audit Committee for its consideration
and implementation.
Through the RMC, the Board oversees the risk management framework of the Group. The RMC advises the Audit
Committee and the Board on areas of high risk and the adequacy of compliance and control procedures throughout the
The RMC reviews and recommends the annual Risk Profile of the Group which specifies the key enterprise risks for
approval by the Board.
Details of the Company’s risk management framework are set out in the Statement on Risk Management and Internal
Control of this Annual Report.
statement on corporate governance