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The Nomination and Remuneration Committee

and the Board, through the annual assessment

carried out for the financial year ended 31 March

2019, concluded that the above Directors remain

independent and recommended them to continue

to act as Independent Non-Executive Directors

based on the following justifications:-

(a) Have fulfilled the criteria as an Independent

Director as defined in the Bursa Listing

Requirements, and therefore is able to bring

independent and objective judgement to the


(b) Have provided effective check and balance in

the proceedings of the Board and the Board


(c) Have provided objectivity in decision making

through unbiased and independent views as

well as advice and judgement, to the Board;

(d) Have contributed sufficient time and effort

and attended all Board and Committees

Meetings for an informed and balanced

decision making; and

(e) Have exercised due care during their tenure

as Independent Non-Executive Director of

the Company and carried out professional

duties in the interest of the Company and




A member of the Company entitled to attend and

vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy

to attend and vote in his stead. A proxy may not

be a member of the Company and a member may

appoint up to two (2) proxies by specifying the

proportion of his shareholding to be represented

by each proxy.


Where a member of the Company is an exempt

authorized nominee which holds ordinary shares

in the Company for multiple beneficial owners

in one securities account (“omnibus account”),

there is no limit to the number of proxies which

the exempt authorized nominee may appoint in

respect of each omnibus account it holds.


The instrument appointing a proxy must be

completed and deposited at the registered office

of the Company not less than 24 hours before the

time of holding the meeting or any adjournment



Only members registered in the General Meeting

Record of Depositors as at 23 August 2019 shall

be eligible to attend the 44


AGM or appoint

proxy(ies) to attend and/or vote on their behalf.


The voting at the 44


AGM will be conducted on

a poll. The Company will appoint independent

scrutineers to verify the results of the poll.



Annual Report 2019