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(197401004110) (21185-P) •

Annual Report 2020


Community Contributions

We believe in contributing economically and socially to the

well-being of the communities where we conduct business. With

businesses in Malaysia and Indonesia, the Group has a local

footprint in many communities. Our approach to community

engagement is driven and managed by our businesses to ensure

value is created in ways that best fit with their operations and

geographic spread.

During the year, the Group continued its community care and

involvement vide various contributions in the form of donations,

sponsorships and support in kind to charitable bodies, schools

and local community endeavours. Inter alia, we renewed our

sponsorship of Titian Samara Programme by Persatuan Al-Hunafa.

The NGO’s mission is to help secondary students with academic

and social problems to develop their life skills such as confidence,

leadership, and communication through personal development

programmes and mentoring. The programme currently focuses

on 5 schools in the Klang Valley namely, SMK Raja Lumu, SMK

Pandamaran Jaya, SMK Kota Kemuning , SMK Telok Gadong and

SMK Subang Bestari, with a total of 190 students.

Apart from building and furnishing the mosques and schools

located within and around the plantation with the necessary

amenities, our Indonesian subsidiary, PTNJL also funds the

monthly allowance for teachers and imams. The Group also

donated King Cup sardines and other food essentials to several

mosques and non-governmental organisations for their onward

distribution to the needy.

As part of our commitment to strengthening the local

socio-economic base, we provide jobs opportunities for the

communities near our projects. In tandem, the Group hires

and trains local employees at our job sites, providing technical

training and skills to improve workers’ wage-earning potential.

We also support local suppliers and entrepreneurs by purchasing

Coming to the Rescue

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group

donated 34,000 face masks to various government

agencies which are then distributed to their frontline

and enforcement personnel. PTNJL in Indonesia carried

out cleaning and disinfection at its workers housing

complex and other public areas such as halls, mosques

and clinics. Meanwhile the Group management team had

rallied together by combining their time and resources

to mobilise care packages comprising of essential food

items to 857 of our non-executive employees (both local

and foreign) and to over 2,000 poor families nationwide.

local goods and services. A successful example of this can be seen

in Indonesia where 83.2% of contracts for goods and services

have been awarded to small and medium-sized local companies.

In addition, 21.3% of the FFB processed by the palm oil mill is

purchased from smallholder farmers and third-party growers.

Since January 2018, the Group has taken in 93 university

graduates to undergo 8 months of workplace experience with

companies within the Group (with the possibility of progression

into permanent employment) through our participation in and

support of the PROTÉGÉ program (formerly known as Skim

Latihan 1Malaysia). This program involves a mix of on-the-job

placements and skills development workshops which would allow

trainees to absorb the organisational and work culture whilst

also developing relevant job-specific training. Allowances and

benefits are given during the program. Meanwhile, our Indonesian

subsidiary, PTNJL has received a total of 20 students; 10 from

SMKN 1 Sebatik Barat and 10 from SMKN 1 Nunukan to undergo a

2-month internship during the year.

sustainability : social