Fima Corporation Berhad
Corporate Information
profile of KEY senior management
An Accountant by profession, she is an ACCA graduate and a chartered
member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants. She joined subsidiary, Security
Printers (M) Sdn Bhd in 1978 and was transferred to the holding company in
1993. As the Group Accountant since 1 July 1995, she was redesignated
as Financial Controller on 1 September 2001 and subsequently appointed as
Company Secretary on 20 September 2001. On 23 August 2016, she was
appointed as Chief Financial Officer and is a Board member of FCB Property
Management Sdn Bhd.
She attended all Board and Board Committees Meetings of FimaCorp held in
the financial year.
She joined the penultimate holding company, Kumpulan Fima Berhad (“KFima”)
on 2 January 2008 and was appointed as Company Secretary in the same year.
She is currently Company Secretary to KFima’s Group of subsidiaries. She
was appointed Joint Company Secretary of FimaCorp on 25 November 2015.
She has extensive experience in legal, corporate secretarial and compliance
matters having served in various positions in organisations including Golden
Hope Plantations Berhad, Bursa Malaysia and Hong Leong Finance Berhad.
She sits on the Board of R.N.E. Plantation Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of FimaCorp
and several of the KFima Group’s subsidiaries.
She attended all Board and Board Committees Meetings of FimaCorp held in
the financial year.
None of the key senior management has any family relationship with any director and/or major shareholders of the Company.
ii) None of the key senior management has any conflict of interest with the Company.
iii) Other than traffic offences, none of the key senior management has been convicted of any offences within the past five (5)
iv) None of the key senior management has been imposed any public sanction or penalty by regulatory bodies during the
financial year.
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Hons,
University of Southampton
Certificate of Legal Practice, University
of Malaya
Licensed Company Secretary,
Companies Commission of Malaysia
(57 years of age, female,
Chief Financial Officer/
Company Secretary
(44 years of age, female,
Company Secretary