S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y R e p o r t
Occupational Safety & Health
We regard safeguarding of our employees, neighbours, visitors and assets as a core
indicator of our business success.
Towards this end, we comply with all the relevant national laws, regulations and
other requirements relating to best practices in occupational safety and health; and
constantly carry out activities aimed at preventing work injuries. Preventive and
scheduled maintenance are regularly performed on all the Group’s facilities, plants,
storage tanks and terminals; whereupon repairs and replacements are made when
necessary or appropriate. Employees who use any machinery are trained to do so
properly, while training programmes in the use of personal protective equipment for
workers handling or exposed to hazardous materials are regularly conducted and
have been, and will continue to be, a vital part of the Group’s operations.
All divisions have health and safety committees which consist of divisional
management and employees. It is to these committees that incidences are reported,
and where compliance to policies is monitored and improvements are discussed.
During the year, PTNJL’s palm oil mill retained its accreditation of
Sistem Manajemen
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
(or “SMK3”) a local Indonesian Government safety
certification that is comparable with the globally recognised OHSAS 18001:2007.
Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (“LTIFR”)
The LTIFR refers to the number of lost time injuries occurring in the workplace per
1 million hours worked. LTIFR is recorded based on a number of lost time injuries
occurring in the workplace for every 1 million man-hours worked. During FYE2018,
the Group recorded an overall Frequency Rate of 6.92 based on the following formula:
No. of Lost Time Injuries
Total Man-Hours Worked
The ‘Penghargaan Kecelakaan Nihil’
was awarded this year to PTNJL
by the Labour and Transmigration
Ministry for having achieved
without any workplace accidents
for the period 1 January 2015 to
31 December 2017.
Zero Fatality
Recorded by all
divisions in FYE2018.
Percetakan Keselamatan
Nasional Sdn Bhd has achieved
1,285 days
without any lost time incident
as at 31 March 2018.
The indicators help us to track the effectiveness of measures taken to improve safety
and health performance in all business divisions. In addition, it helps the Group to
identify the most useful preventive action.