Fima Corporation Berhad (“the Company” or “FimaCorp”)
was incorporated on 5 December 1974 under the name of
Metal Box Holdings Malaysia Sendirian Berhad. In 1976 the
Company was listed on the Main Board of Kuala Lumpur
Stock Exchange (now known as Bursa Malaysia) and changed
its name to Metal Box Berhad. In 1981, Kumpulan Fima Berhad
became the Company’s controlling shareholder. The Company
assumed its present name in 1993.
The Company is principally an investment holding company
with 13 subsidiaries and 1 associate company involved in
the manufacturing, plantations and property management
annual general meeting
28 Aug 2019
09.30 a.m.
Dewan Berjaya, Bukit Kiara Equestrian &
Country Resort, Jalan Bukit Kiara, Off
Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
We encourage you to visit our full Annual Report at
www.fimacorp.com/annual-reports.php.You will have the privilege
to download, retrieve and view any pages of the annual report at
your convenience.