Shareholders’ Equity
as at 31
March 2019 stood at RM597.16
million, an increase of RM31.81
million or 5.6% from the previous
financial year mainly due to lower
dividend payment of RM33.89
million as compared to profit
attributable to equity shareholders
of the Company of RM67.28
Share of Results of Associate
Giesecke & Devrient Malaysia Sdn.
Bhd. (“G&D”) increased to RM3.73
million from RM1.70 million last
year on the back of improved
contributions from G&D. G&D
posted a revenue of RM184.08
million (FYE2018: RM164.50
million) and PBT of RM17.67 million
(FYE2018: 11.57 million).
Capital Expenditure (“CAPEX”)
The Group’s CAPEX of RM22.91
million (FYE2018: RM9.91 million)
was incurred to meet ongoing
CAPEX commitments during the
year. Notably, Plantation division
accounted for 87.1% of the Group’s
total CAPEX spend which was
largely utilised towards plantation
development works, new planting,
construction of workers’ quarters
and purchase/replacement of
fixed assets. Sources of funds
for CAPEX during the year were
generated internally.