Annual Report 2017
Benefits and Welfare
The Group’s compensation structure includes fixed and variable
components depending on the employee’s job grade. We comply
strictly with rules and regulations stipulated by local governments
on minimum wages paid to employees.
Each location within the Group has its own locally defined
employee benefit schemes. For eligible employees, these include:
contributions to retirement fund;
medical benefits for outpatient, specialist and hospitalization
treatment for employees, spouse and eligible children;
group term life and personal accident insurance;
our Indonesian subsidiary, PTNJL provides free transportation
for the workers’ children to nearby local schools. There is also
a clinic and crèche at the estate to cater to the needs of the
plantation staff and workers. The provision of these facilities
has enabled women to join PTNJL’s workforce; and
provision of housing together with clean water and sanitation
to our plantation workers.
While we emphasise the importance for our employees to be
well-versed in the Group’s current development and achievement
status, we also recognise the importance of bringing excitement
and fun elements for our employees’ participation. Sports
activities and events such as family days, weekend retreats, and
festive gatherings are organised with the aim to foster greater
bonding and camaraderie amongst employees which in turn
helps improve engagement at work.
sustainability report