Fima Corporation Berhad
sustainability & governance
The Board, assisted by the Audit Committee, oversees the financial reporting processes and the quality of the financial reporting
by the Group. The Audit Committee reviews and monitors the accuracy and integrity of the Group’s annual and quarterly financial
statements. The Audit Committee also assists the Board in reviewing the appropriateness of the accounting policies applied by
the Group as well as the changes to these policies.
The Company’s website at
www.fimacorp.comis the key communication channel for the Company to reach its shareholders
and stakeholders and it provides quick access to information about the Group. The website includes all announcements made
by the Company, financial results, annual reports and the corporate and governance structure of the Company. Notices of
AGM, minutes of AGM and slide presentations made at AGM are also available on the Company’s website for the benefit of
shareholders who were unable to attend the meetings.
The Board views the Company’s general meetings as a valuable opportunity for shareholders to exchange views and engage in
active dialogue with the Board. Shareholders are encouraged to attend the AGM and participate in the proceedings. Shareholders
are given both the opportunity and time to raise questions and seek clarification on the agenda items and on the performance
of the Company and Group.
At the 41
AGM, all Board members, senior management and external auditors were in attendance to respond to the shareholders’
queries. The proceedings of the 41
AGM included the Managing Director’s presentation of the Company’s financial performance
for financial year ended 31 March 2016. To ensure transparency, the Board also shared with the shareholders the Board’s
responses to questions raised by the Minority Shareholders Watchdog Group.
The Board is of the view that the Company has, in all material aspects applied the principles and complied with the recommendations
of MCCG 2012, save for the recommendation that the tenure of an independent director shall not exceed a cumulative term of 9 years
where the non-observance has been explained in this Statement.
This Statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Board dated 24 May 2017.
statement on corporate governance