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F i m a C o r p o r at i o n B e r h a d ( 2 1 1 8 5 - P ) •

A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 8


AUDIT committee



The members of the Audit Committee comprise of:

Encik Rezal Zain bin Abdul Rashid (Chairman)

Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants

Dato’ Adnan bin Shamsuddin (Member)

Independent Non-Executive Director

Datuk Alias bin Ali (Member)

Independent Non-Executive Director

The main responsibilities of the Audit Committee are to assist the Board in discharging its statutory and other responsibilities

relating to internal controls, financial and accounting matters, compliance, business and financial risk management.

The Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board amongst the Directors of the Company and shall consist of no less

than three (3) members comprising of Non-Executive Directors a majority of whom are Independent Directors. A quorum

for a meeting shall be at least two (2) members, both being Independent Directors. The current composition of the Audit

Committee and the qualifications of its members comply with the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) of Bursa

Malaysia Securities Berhad.



In fulfilling its duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee is guided by the Terms of Reference which is available on

the Company’s website at

. The Audit Committee is authorized to seek information it requires from any

employee and all employees are directed to cooperate with any request made by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee

is also authorized by the Board to obtain independent professional advice if necessary in discharging their functions.



The Audit Committee meetings were held 5 times during the financial year ended (“FYE”) 31 March 2018 and attendance of

Audit Committee members is reflected as follows:

Name of Committee Members

No. of Meetings Attended

Encik Rezal Zain bin Abdul Rashid


Dato’ Adnan bin Shamsuddin


Datuk Alias bin Ali


The Company’s Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer and Financial Controller were invited to attend the meetings

to facilitate deliberations as well as to provide clarification on audit issues. The Head of Group Internal Audit (“GIA”) also

attended the meetings to present their respective audit reports. The external auditors were invited to the meetings to discuss

their Management Letters, Audit Planning Memorandum and other matters deemed relevant. During the financial year, the

external auditors and the Audit Committee met without the presence of the Managing Director and management on 24 May

2017 and 20 February 2018, to discuss key issues within their sphere of interest and responsibility.