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4.2 During the FYE2019, the Audit Committee members attended various training programs to keep them

abreast of new development pertaining to legislation, regulations, current commercial issues and risks

in order to effectively discharge their duties. Details of training programs attended by Audit Committee

members are set out in the Corporate Governance Overview Statement of this Annual Report.



For the FYE2019, the annual assessment and evaluation on the performance of the Audit Committee was

conducted in-house by the Company Secretaries. The evaluation process includes the Board evaluation on the

overall Audit Committee performance and the Committee’s assessment of its own performance. The evaluation

included a review of detailed questionnaires completed by each Director and member of the Audit Committee,

based on the following key areas:

(a) Composition of Audit Committee;

(b) To determine whether the Audit Committee members have sufficient expertise, support, time and access to

key staff and information in order to enable them discharge their monitoring and oversight role effectively;


(c) Frequency of the Committee meetings are adequate for effective decision making.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee discussed the findings on the evaluation and the results of the

evaluation and findings, together with areas of improvement, were presented to the Board for deliberation.

Overall, the Board is satisfied that the Audit Committee and its members have discharged their functions,

duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Audit Committee’s Terms of Reference.



Annual Report 2019