(197401004110) (21185-P) •
Annual Report 2020
At the mill, FFB are sterilized and pressed to extract oil
Organic Fertiliser Compost
Crude oil is then shipped to the refineries
The estate had also successfully installed
solar panels to generate power supply to
their workers quarters and office complex.
To-date, there has been a satisfactory
reduction in the estate’s electricity
consumption, with an average 605.23 kWh
saved per month, thus reducing the estate’s
average CO
e emissions by 0.79 tonnes.
Ladang Bunga Tanjong, Jeli, Kelantan
Area under cultivation totalled 1,162
hectares, of which 437 hectares have
been rehabilitated. During the year, FFB
production totalled 3,376 MT, at an average
yield per hectare of 7.72 MT. Replanting
works have been somewhat delayed with
only 90% (or 724 hectares) of the planned
programme completed during the year
due to labour shortage and adverse
weather conditions. Replanting works on
the remaining 79 hectares are currently
underway and expected to be completed in
this current financial year. Meanwhile, the
construction of 6 new quarters which can
comfortably accommodate 48 workers have
been completed.
Given that the estate will be fully cultivated
in this current financial year, management’s
focus will be on bringing the field’s
agronomic standards to the highest levels
and maximising yields.
Ladang Dabong, Kuala Krai and Ladang
Aring, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Ladang Dabong has fully completed
planting and development works on 194
hectares. In addition, the estate has started
scout-harvesting on 84 hectares.
Meanwhile, Ladang Aring recorded more
than 100% increase in its FFB yield to
14.35 MT/ha. Ladang Aring has again
encountered incidences of elephants
raiding its crops resulting in damage to
approximately 1,323 young palms. This
figure is significantly lower than 13,672
palms that were damaged last year. The
trenches and fencing that have been dug
up/built coupled with increased field
guarding actions have so far been effective
in preventing elephants from entering into
the estate. Be that as it may, all damaged
palms have to be replaced and in turn will
inevitably cause delays before they can
be harvested.
Ladang Sg. Siput, Perak
We have recently obtained the relevant
permissions and approvals to commence
development at our greenfield estate
in Sg. Siput, Perak measuring 2,000
hectares. Implicit in these approvals is
the requirement to abide by riparian
buffer zones, water catchment and forest
conservation areas. We hope to start and
complete the first phase of the plantation
development works in this current
financial year.
Capital Expenditure (“CAPEX”)
The division’s CAPEX spend in FYE2020
totalled RM16.30 million compared to
RM19.95 million in FYE2019. This was
primarily incurred on replanting and new
plantings of oil palm, construction of
staff and workers quarters, infrastructure
upgrading works and purchase of
equipment and vehicles.
Infrastructure at all our new developments
have been designed to facilitate infield
mechanization. We provide good quality
housing for our workers and further
investments in workers’ housing as well as
other estate infrastructures will continue
plantation Division : taking root