(21185-P) |
Annual Report
Water Management
Oil palm trees and palm oil mill operations are water-
dependent and as such the water resources available
have to be well managed to minimize wastage.
At PTNJL, houses areequippedwithwater storage tanks
for the collection and storage of rainwater. In addition,
PTNJL has set aside an area within its plantation as a
water catchment zone whereby chemical applications
are strictly prohibited to facilitate natural re-vegetation
of the area and preservation thereof.
Occupational Safety & Health
Health and safety of our employees remains our
priority. We strive to provide safe and healthy working
conditions especially in non-office-based environments
such as field operations, processing andmanufacturing.
Continuous training and awareness programmes
which include fire training and hazard guidance are
conducted for those dealing with potential hazards
involving chemicals, pesticides and machineries.
Senior management quarters at PTNJL
Scheduled maintenance
Water catchment zone at PTNJL