F i m a C o r p o r at i o n B e r h a d ( 2 1 1 8 5 - P ) •
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 8
Sustainability is an essential component of a corporation’s
culture as it injects responsibility and accountability into every
activity and process while building a successful business.
Running operations with sustainability in mind is not only a
matter of balanced corporate responsibility but is also sensible
from a business perspective. Staying ahead of our peers in
only possible if we fully dedicate ourselves to our customers,
our employees, our services, the environment and the local
communities where we operate.
As our sustainability practices evolve, we know we must focus
on what’s right for our business. We care deeply about issues
such as the health and safety of our employees, environmental
protection, product quality and safety, resource conservation,
support for the communities we operate in and maximising
profits to our shareholders. Towards this end, we will continue
to work with our stakeholders on mutual sustainability efforts.
Reporting What Matters
The content included in this Report has been selected through
a structured process which is aligned with our business
strategy and the needs of our stakeholders. Our approach to
reporting is guided by Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting
Framework and also reflect changes and trends in our operating
environment, risks and opportunities that could affect our value
creation process and the Group’s strategic objectives across
three key pillars: Marketplace, Social and Environment.
We are currently in the midst of formalising our materiality and
sustainability reporting processes and the work is still ongoing.
In doing so we engaged with various teams from within the
Group and across all parts of our businesses, gathering opinions
and suggestions in both formal and informal settings to form the
substance of this Report. This Report highlights some of our key
sustainability issues and how we are presently addressing them.
We define key issues as those issues that can, or in fact do,
have a significant impact on our sustainability performance and
ultimately in uence nancial outcomes as we believe that the
long-term viability of our business rests on our ability to manage
those issues. In the coming year, we will give higher profile to
the communication of different aspects of our sustainability
programme to our employees as we intend to set measurable
environmental targets.
Identify issues that
could have an impact
on the Group’s value
creation process as well
internal strength and
weaknesses and broader
contextual trends
Evaluate their
significance to the
Group and their
Priorities matters
based on their relative
Determine matters
to be disclosed in
the report