S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y R e p o r t
In Malaysia, the Group offered placements to 23 university
graduates to undergo 8 months on-the-job training in various
functions within the Group to gain the skills and experience they
need to access job opportunities through our participation in
the national development programme Skim Latihan 1Malaysia
(SL1M). Under the SL1M programme, graduates are offered a
training contract, inclusive of allowances and benefits.
Meanwhile, in Indonesia, PTNJL received 56 students from
PDD Politeknik Negeri Nunukan, Kalimantan and several
regional high schools to undergo a 2-month internship
programme during the year.
Young Talents
SL1M is an amazing opportunity for the graduates to
realize their potential through hands-on experience in
various aspects of the Group’s business. Helping them
to master a task is not only rewarding for the graduate,
but for us as well. We are dedicated to the SL1M program
and in playing our part in building talent pipeline for
both the Company and the nation and look forward to its
continued success.
Nor Ita binti Md Ali
Head of Finance & Administration, PKN