(197401004110) (21185-P) •
Annual Report 2020
List of Material Topics
End poverty and in all its forms everywhere
(6) Human and worker’s rights
(8) Equal treatment
(10) Benefits and remuneration
• HR policies on minimum wages and fair pay
• Economic empowerment/livelihood via the creation of
employment and business opportunities for local communities
• Providing complete basic amenities including clean running water
and sanitation at all workers housing
End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
(5) Pesticides and chemical usage
(15) Certification for food safety,
sustainability and others
• Potential higher yield and extraction through the adoption of good
agriculture practices
• Maintaining high food safety standards
• Usage of organic fertilizer
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
(6) Human and worker’s rights
(11) Grievance mechanism and
(12) Community and welfare
• Support of employees personal and professional development
through training programmes
• Philanthropic initiatives in the areas of education and youth
• Foster sustainable livelihoods through relevant skills, capacity and
infrastructure enhancements
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
(7) Occupational safety and health
(9) Code of ethics and governance
• Positive contribution to economic growth in the countries in which
we operate, e.g. via tax and other contributions
• Foster healthy communities by enhancing well-being and
productivity of those we employ
• A strong stance against forced or compulsory labour and child
• Build empowered and sustainable communities through relevant
skills, capacity and infrastructure enhancements
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
(2) GHG Emissions, Discharges
& Waste Management
(14) Sustainable and
Traceable Supply Chain
(5) Pesticides and chemical usage
(16) Evaluation of suppliers/
contractor’s sustainability
• Commitment to implement and maintain supply chain
transparency and adherence to international standards (MSPO,
ISO, ISPO etc.)
• Water and waste management
• Use of renewable energy and efficiency of energy use
• Adoption of good agricultural practices
• Unlocking further value from available resources and minimise
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact opportunities for all
(1) Biodiversity & Conservation
(2) GHG Emissions, Discharges &
Waste Management
(5) Pesticides and chemical usage
• Reduction of carbon footprint through increased use of renewable
energy and structural improvements
• Manage air and effluent emissions
• Adoption of good agricultural practices