(21185-P) |
Annual Report
Each of the Group’s businesses has also in place
documented policies and procedures that govern the
way in which they operate such as quality management
processes, health and safety standards as well as
security protocols.
The Plantation Division’s subsidiary in Indonesia, PT
Nunukan Jaya Lestari (“PTNJL”) is accredited with
ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System
for the processes employed in the production of its
crude palm oil, crude palm kernel oil and palm kernel.
The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (“ISPO”) audit
on PTNJL is currently on-going. The ISPO standard
includes legal, environmental, economic and social
requirements, which is based mainly on prevailing
national regulations.
Quality & Standards
We value our customers and continuously strive to
improve the quality of our products and services.
In ensuring the highest standards, we have quality
control procedures in place throughout our processes.
We constantly monitor and review processes, putting
in place systems to better manage risk, increase
productivity, sharpen our competitive edge and make
strategic choices that have a positive impact on society
and environment. We also stay current with new
regulations, industry best practices and marketplace
conditions and consistently strive to improve and refine
our requirements and standards throughout the entire
supply chain.
Annual General Meeting 2015
PKN’s products