Fima Corporation Berhad
The application was dismissed by the State Administrative Court
on 13 June 2017 and on 21 June 2017, PTNJL filed a Statement
of Appeal to the Pengadilan Tinggi Tata Usaha Negara (hereafter
referred to as “Court of Appeal”) to appeal against the decision of
the State Administrative Court.
Notwithstanding the Ministerial Order, we also disclosed that
the local government in Kabupaten Nunukan has given its
undertaking and allowed PTNJL to continue to lawfully operate its
plantation operations until the final determination of the suit by the
Indonesian courts. The goodwill created with the local community
in the area through PTNJL’s socio-economic contributions and
community engagements over the years has resulted and
continues to result, in strong support for PTNJL at the grassroots
level. As at the date of this Annual Report, the suit is still on-going,
and there is little more I can say at this time, other than to assure
you that the Board is giving this matter its fullest attention and
that we will pursue all available legal avenues to protect PTNJL’s
rights and interests.
The Board’s FYE2016/17 evaluation was externally facilitated by
consultants from Boardroom Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, and
this provided both positive and constructive feedback. The Board
evaluation process and summary are described on pages 54 to
55 of this Report.
Further, the Nomination and Remuneration Committees have
been combined into a single Nomination and Remuneration
Committee (“NRC”), and the scope of the new NRC have
been enlarged to include (i) reviewing and recommending the
appropriate remuneration policies applicable to directors of
subsidiaries and senior management, and (ii) the recruitment,
appointment and evaluation of the performance of directors of
subsidiaries and senior management. This exercise, which was
initiated in FYE2016/17 and will be formalised in FYE2017/18, is
part of the Board’s commitment to continuously strengthen the
Group’s governance process and the appropriate succession
arrangements for its senior leadership team which in turn is a vital
element in ensuring the future of our company.
We are also happy to report that the Group has during the year,
initiated analysis and tracking of the environmental impact of our
operations. This is part of our penultimate holding company’s
initiative to see where we as a Group stand and to provide
benchmarks to measure future progress. So in this year’s
Sustainability Report, you will find more comprehensive reporting
on, among others, the Group’s energy use, CO
recycling of waste and the various efforts being undertaken to
reduce the Group’s carbon footprint. It is my hope, as well as
that of my fellow Board members that you will find value in the
information we have compiled, and we welcome your feedback.
Bank Negara Malaysia expects Malaysia to register gross
domestic product between 4.3% and 4.8% in 2017, on the
back of domestic demand growth underpinned by private sector
activity. The country’s exports and imports are also expected to
strengthen on projected improvement in global economic growth,
higher commodity prices, and sustained domestic demand.
On a macro level, the IMF is forecasting an uptick in global
growth from 3.1% in 2016 to 3.5% and 3.6% in 2017 and 2018
respectively. Global trade activity is expected to pick up on the
back of policy stimulus and a gradual normalisation of large
economies such as Brazil and Russia. However, uncertainties
surrounding US policy direction under the new administration,
geopolitical tensions, Brexit and calls for protectionism may pose
downside risks to global growth prospects.
Economic recovery in Malaysia has to-date been relatively
muted, with growth driven predominantly by commodity price
increases and restricted to only a few sectors of the economy.
We anticipate that the year ahead is likely to continue to present
a challenging operating environment. Add to that, factors such as
extreme weather conditions and currency volatility are all likely to
affect our businesses in the near term. Against these dynamics,
a conservative approach remains prudent, and we will maintain
our balance sheet strength and resilience to downside risks as
main priorities.
On behalf of the Board, I wish to expressmy sincere appreciation to
all of our shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees, business
partners and other stakeholders for their ongoing support for the
Group. In particular, I wish to thank each one of our employees
for the loyalty and dedication that they demonstrate every day in
serving our stakeholders and achieving our objectives. Despite
the enormous challenges facing the Group, our employees have
remained motivated, continuing to display diligence, integrity,
teamwork and, above all, a sound understanding of the pressures
with which we have had to contend with the past year.