Annual Report 2017
We emit GHG both directly and indirectly. Our largest impact in
terms of emissions is direct (scope 1) emissions mainly come
from our businesses use of petrol, gas and diesel. Our main
source of indirect (scope 2) emissions is electricity used in our
manufacturing and processing operations.
Occupational Safety & Health
We regard safeguarding of our employees, neighbours, visitors
and assets as a core indicator of our business success.
Towards this end, we comply with all the relevant national laws,
regulations and other requirements relating to best practices in
occupational safety andhealth; andcontinuously carryout activities
aimed at preventing work injuries. Preventive and scheduled
maintenance are regularly performed on all the Group’s facilities,
plants, and estates; whereupon repairs and replacements are
made when necessary or appropriate. Employees who use any
machinery are trained to do so properly, while training programs
in the use of personal protective equipment for workers handling
or exposed to hazardous materials are regularly conducted and
have been, and will continue to be, a vital part of the Group’s
All divisions have health and safety committees which consist of
divisional management and employees. It is to these committees
that incidences are reported, and where compliance with policies
is monitored, and improvements are discussed.
The Group continuously seeks to identify opportunities
to reduce energy use over time such as transitioning to
LED lights for our corporate office and installing solar
street lights at our estates.
Employees are encouraged to power down computers
and lights in areas that are not in use.
Switching from paper cheques to e-payments for a majority
of transactions which also improves business efficiency.
Recycling bins are strategically placed in and around the
head office premise.
Small gestures, big impact
sustainability report