F i m a C o r p o r at i o n B e r h a d ( 2 1 1 8 5 - P ) •
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 8
Total No. Of
Recorded Injuries
Days Of Medical Leave Taken
Resulting From Incident
Total Injuries
By Type
5 Employees
6 Employees
17 Employees
Days >4
Days 2‑4
1 Day
Flying Objects
The table below indicates the LTIFR, scaled based on the number of days of lost time:
Days of Medical Leave Taken:
1 Day
2-4 Days
>4 Days
All Injuries
The table indicates that after taking in to account all injuries that occurred over the
year the Group had recorded an LTIFR of 6.92. This means that for every 1 million
man-hours worked, there were 6.92 lost time injuries occurred on the jobsite. Last
year we had identified some inconsistencies in the computation and definition of lost
time injuries in different parts of the Group. The methodology has now been improved
and we will continue to progressively refine our reporting criteria and improve our
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness is an essential aspect of our operations. Thus our facilities
are equipped with first-aid kits, firefighting systems and have in place adequate
response plans, spill prevention and other programs to respond to emergencies.
During the year, 15 Group employees received cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
and first aid training which covers the practical skills needed by first aiders in the
event a person is injured or taken ill at the company’s work premises.
During the year, the Group did not incur any fines or sanctions for non-compliance
with environmental laws or regulations.
Safety briefings precede daily activities for most of our businesses to
ensure employees are focused on performing the tasks at hand as safely as
possible. These briefings primarily cover:
• Sequence of a task or a job;
• Potential hazards involved;
• Appropriate equipment to use;
• Personal protective equipment needed; and
• Responsibility for emergency response.
Inside The Safety Briefing