Final Scoring and
issue prioritization
(Based on their
Determine matters
to be disclosed in
the report
Reviewed by and presented to Sustainability
“important” or “very important”.
The topics determined to be very
important are human rights and
workers’ welfare, business integrity
and governance, occupational
safety and health, supply
chain traceability and product
certifications. GHG emissions and
water impact were also rated as
being very important.
Material Matrix
With the help of an independent
consultant, the results of the
stakeholder survey were taken
into account during the creation
of a materiality matrix in which
the sustainability topics are
weighted from the point of
view of the stakeholders as well
as feedback received from the
Group Sustainability Committee
and members of management.
Given the diverse nature of our
businesses who each contribute
towards the Group’s success
differently, we weighted the results
of the materiality assessment
according to their influence on
the Group’s financial performance,
their employee headcount and
prospective expansion potential.
Other factors taken into account
were the results of our desktop
review on regulations and
guidelines, sustainability trends and
peer reports.
The positioning of the
sustainability topics indicates
the major focal areas of our
sustainability efforts. The y-axis
reveals how important the topics
are from the perspective of our
stakeholders (the higher a topic is
placed, the more important it is).
The x-axis indicates the topics that
the Group believe is “very highly”
relevant to business success (the
farther a topic is placed to the
right, the more important it is).
What matters