Corporate Information
Annual Report 2017
• Registration will start at 8.00 a.m. and will remain open until the conclusion of the 42
AGM or such time as may be determined
by the Chairman of the meeting.
• Please read the signage placed around the venue to ascertain where you should register for the AGM and join the queue
• Please produce your original Identity Card (IC) during the registration for verification and ensure that you collect your IC thereafter.
No person will be allowed to register on behalf of another person even with the original IC of that person.
• After the verification and registration, you will be given an identification tag for e-polling process. No person will be allowed to
enter the venue without the identification tag.
• Light refreshment will be served after the AGM.
• No person will be allowed to enter the coffee house without the identification tag.
• Please remain seated until you are being ushered by the officers to the polling station located at foyer area to cast your votes.
• The Poll Administrators will be present at each polling station to assist the voting process and the independent scrutineers will
also be present to monitor the process.
• At the polling station, you are required to scan the barcode on your identification wristband.
• If you are an
, your name or the name of the corporate
shareholders and total shareholdings held in Fima Corporation Berhad will appear on the screen. Please cast your vote for all the
resolutions by selecting your favoured option. Upon completion, please click “CONFIRM” to submit your votes.
• If you are a
for one (1) or more shareholders, the name of the shareholder who has appointed you as proxy and his/her
shareholdings in Fima Corporation Berhad will appear on the screen.
• If the shareholder has specified the manner in which his/her vote is to be cast, his/her vote would be pre-selected on the screen.
The PROXY is only required to click “CONFIRM” to submit the votes.
• If the shareholder has not specified the voting instructions in the proxy form, the PROXY may vote on the resolutions in any
manner as he/she think fits. Upon completion, please click “CONFIRM” to submit your votes.
• If you are both an
as well as a
for another
shareholder, the screen will show your name and total shareholdings in Fima Corporation Berhad, the name of the corporate
shareholder and its total shareholdings and the name of the shareholder who has appointed you as proxy and his/her shareholdings
held in Fima Corporation Berhad.
• You will need to vote in your capacity as SHAREHOLDER first before proceeding to vote in your capacity as CORPORATE
REPRESENTATIVE and PROXY. Upon completion, please click “CONFIRM” to submit your votes.
• Please note that
no alteration or deletion can be made to the votes cast
once you have clicked “CONFIRM”.